Access to SQL2K5 - Selective Migration...
(too old to reply)
2008-07-21 09:42:00 UTC
Hi all,

I need to migrate Access tables to SQL Server 2005 (Structure and Data), but
only the selected ones and not all the tables from the access mdb.
Q1) What is a good way of doing this?
Q2) Any method that would allow me to reuse it later on, for example create
a script or something that would do the migration?
Q3) How best can SSIS be used here?

Thanks a lot
- Subbu
Stefan Hoffmann
2008-07-21 11:12:04 UTC
Post by Subbu
I need to migrate Access tables to SQL Server 2005 (Structure and Data), but
only the selected ones and not all the tables from the access mdb.
Q1) What is a good way of doing this?
Using the built-in wizard in Access was always sufficent for me.
Post by Subbu
Q2) Any method that would allow me to reuse it later on, for example create
a script or something that would do the migration?
Q3) How best can SSIS be used here?
You may take a look at


--> stefan <--
Brent Spaulding (datAdrenaline)
2008-07-30 12:16:46 UTC
I like to do thing like this outside of wizard, so ... check out this thread
on utteraccess I participated in a while back. It has a procedure in it
that you can use to more just one table ...

Brent Spaulding | datAdrenaline | Access MVP
Post by Subbu
Hi all,
I need to migrate Access tables to SQL Server 2005 (Structure and Data), but
only the selected ones and not all the tables from the access mdb.
Q1) What is a good way of doing this?
Q2) Any method that would allow me to reuse it later on, for example create
a script or something that would do the migration?
Q3) How best can SSIS be used here?
Thanks a lot
- Subbu