Converting Access DB to 3rd party MySQL Server.
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Stephen Raper
2008-05-22 14:36:01 UTC
Recently I purchased a 25mb MySQL server from a 3rd party with the intent of
migrating my Access datatables to it, and use MS Access as the front end.
I am attempting to use MMSA to do the migration. ( I have also looked at
SQLyog Enterpirse).

When getting the MySQL server, I was given this input from the vendor:

(You must convert the db to SQL, then publish to an FTP location where we
can get at the bak file. We do not support connections to our SQL db servers
using that migration tool. Once in a SQL db format, and restored from backup
by our techs, you should be able to connect without issue using your
application. We have a number of other clients doing just that.)

When ever I go to use one of the tools ( including the upsizing wizard in
access) it always asks for a server location and such. ) I can connect using
SQLog but non of the others. Once there I am stuck..

Any idea on how I can get this done? How do I convert the file to SQL
format and change to a .bak file..)

Any help would be appriciated.

Albert D. Kallal
2008-05-30 02:29:25 UTC
Post by Stephen Raper
Any idea on how I can get this done? How do I convert the file to SQL
format and change to a .bak file..)
Any help would be appriciated.
looking at your post, there really not any question about ms-access here...

I also not familiar with MMSA?

I think you will find better luck if you try the appropriate groups for
those technologies you mention. Really, all those systems and applications
you mention have little if anything to do with MS access.

Reading the above, the implied assumption is that you're running MySql on
your local computer. You then going to create the appropriate MySql database
file (perhaps by importing some files from MS access, or you can simply
export the files from MS access into command delimted files, and then import
them into MySql). So once you inport your data, then then you'll take the
files that mySql produces and you going to FTP (upload) these MySql files
you created on your computer to your web site.

Without question most of us here are a lot more familiar with the free
editions of SQL server from Microsoft. Also keep in mind that the built in
migration tools in MS access can and do allow you to upload data to SQL
server. I assumed for your case are simply going to use MMSA.

Regardless, all those questions are about different technologies other than
MS access, and I think you'll get far better support and answers if you ask
in the appropriate newsgroups and support forms for those technologies you
are attempting to use.
Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada