How do I create an Access/MSSQL project copy on a Laptop?
(too old to reply)
Jim Murray
2009-02-07 19:04:02 UTC
I want to modify an existing Access/MSSQL system by setting up a copy on my
laptop and working there. I want to be able to transfer the .mde copies
without further modification if they work on the laptop. Is this possible?
Jim Murray
2009-02-07 19:27:02 UTC
Oops. Duplicate post. Please ignore.
Post by Jim Murray
I want to modify an existing Access/MSSQL system by setting up a copy on my
laptop and working there. I want to be able to transfer the .mde copies
without further modification if they work on the laptop. Is this possible?
Sylvain Lafontaine
2009-02-07 22:14:16 UTC
Yes, it's possible. However, the first thing to do would be to learn the
clear distinction between an Access Database Project (ADP) that will create
an ADP database file and use ADO as its primary connection with the
SQL-Server and the use of a MDB/MDE or ACCDB/ACCDE database files with ODBC
Linked tables against a SQL-Server.

Also, copying a MDE or ACCDE file to another machine will have a very high
probability of causing you problems if the two machines don't have exactly
the same version of Windows; including the various Service Packs and
Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Windows Live Platform
Email: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)
Independent consultant and remote programming for Access and SQL-Server
Post by Jim Murray
I want to modify an existing Access/MSSQL system by setting up a copy on my
laptop and working there. I want to be able to transfer the .mde copies
without further modification if they work on the laptop. Is this possible?