Microsoft Access Developers Guide to SQL Server
(too old to reply)
Daryll Combs
2009-10-22 20:01:01 UTC

I am approaching my first project involving the migration of an Access-2003
application to a mixed Access front-end/SQL Server back-end environment.

I have been doing alot of online research on this topic and have come across
a book written by Mary Chipman titled as above that seems to have garnered
rave reviews for its content and methodology.

Only problem I see in purchasing a copy is that it is from Dec-2000, and
does not seem to have any revised editions thereafter for later versions of
Access and SQL Server.

Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this would still be a useful book
to purchase for someone just beginning to work on this class of project for
the very first time, even though the targeted product versions are Access
2003/2007 and SQL Server 2005/2008?

W. Daryll Combs
Jennica Data Systems Inc.
Cincinnati OH
2009-10-22 20:53:01 UTC
While I do not have that book - - I've been thru what you are going thru - -
and would say that it is probably worthwhile; if you continue to google
around you will also find other online articles on this same topic that are
helpful too.

In my mind there are two issues; first the conceptual difference - being
that with Acccess all the queries are in the front end - vs sqlserver where
all the queries are in the back end - - - with the exception of the pass-thru
query; which you will want to get to know.

The fact that it was written well before the current sqlserver08 doesn't
change the overall architectural/conceptual re-referencing you need. Which
bring up the second issue:

You need to work with an sqlserver person. If this is going to be you - -
then look at all the product's certification/education stuff - - there is
alot of it. And in this you will learn all the up to date info on this
product. Knowing sql - in terms of writing queries - isn't a biggie - - one
can get a handle on the syntax variations very readily. But managing
sqlserver as a product - - that's a big deal. It is completely different
than Access and an entirely different animal totally.

Hope this helps a little....
Post by Daryll Combs
I am approaching my first project involving the migration of an Access-2003
application to a mixed Access front-end/SQL Server back-end environment.
I have been doing alot of online research on this topic and have come across
a book written by Mary Chipman titled as above that seems to have garnered
rave reviews for its content and methodology.
Only problem I see in purchasing a copy is that it is from Dec-2000, and
does not seem to have any revised editions thereafter for later versions of
Access and SQL Server.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this would still be a useful book
to purchase for someone just beginning to work on this class of project for
the very first time, even though the targeted product versions are Access
2003/2007 and SQL Server 2005/2008?
W. Daryll Combs
Jennica Data Systems Inc.
Cincinnati OH
Jeff Boyce
2009-10-22 23:55:27 UTC

I've used that book ... frequently ... and still do. I even paid full
freight when I got it.

The concepts are valid, regardless of the specifics.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP
Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or psuedocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer
Post by Daryll Combs
I am approaching my first project involving the migration of an Access-2003
application to a mixed Access front-end/SQL Server back-end environment.
I have been doing alot of online research on this topic and have come across
a book written by Mary Chipman titled as above that seems to have garnered
rave reviews for its content and methodology.
Only problem I see in purchasing a copy is that it is from Dec-2000, and
does not seem to have any revised editions thereafter for later versions of
Access and SQL Server.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this would still be a useful book
to purchase for someone just beginning to work on this class of project for
the very first time, even though the targeted product versions are Access
2003/2007 and SQL Server 2005/2008?
W. Daryll Combs
Jennica Data Systems Inc.
Cincinnati OH
Tony Toews [MVP]
2009-10-23 03:14:31 UTC
Post by Daryll Combs
I have been doing alot of online research on this topic and have come across
a book written by Mary Chipman titled as above that seems to have garnered
rave reviews for its content and methodology.
Only problem I see in purchasing a copy is that it is from Dec-2000, and
does not seem to have any revised editions thereafter for later versions of
Access and SQL Server.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this would still be a useful book
to purchase for someone just beginning to work on this class of project for
the very first time, even though the targeted product versions are Access
2003/2007 and SQL Server 2005/2008?
Still very relevant. The basic concepts have not changed.

Also see my Random Thoughts on SQL Server Upsizing from Microsoft
Access Tips page at

There is a tool from the SQL Server group.
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access (SSMA Access)

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Tony's Main MS Access pages - http://www.granite.ab.ca/accsmstr.htm
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/
For a free, convenient utility to keep your users FEs and other files
updated see http://www.autofeupdater.com/
Granite Fleet Manager http://www.granitefleet.com/
John W. Vinson
2009-10-23 05:46:42 UTC
On Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:01:01 -0700, Daryll Combs
Post by Daryll Combs
I am approaching my first project involving the migration of an Access-2003
application to a mixed Access front-end/SQL Server back-end environment.
I have been doing alot of online research on this topic and have come across
a book written by Mary Chipman titled as above that seems to have garnered
rave reviews for its content and methodology.
Only problem I see in purchasing a copy is that it is from Dec-2000, and
does not seem to have any revised editions thereafter for later versions of
Access and SQL Server.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this would still be a useful book
to purchase for someone just beginning to work on this class of project for
the very first time, even though the targeted product versions are Access
2003/2007 and SQL Server 2005/2008?
Chipman is a terrific writer, and her books (that and the supurb _Designing
Relational Database Systems_) are still very relevant and useful.
John W. Vinson [MVP]
David W. Fenton
2009-10-24 00:45:55 UTC
Post by Daryll Combs
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this would still be a
useful book to purchase for someone just beginning to work on this
class of project for the very first time, even though the targeted
product versions are Access 2003/2007 and SQL Server 2005/2008?
It's a really excellent book. I have 6 books on my active Access
bookshelf, the two volumes each of the A97 and A2000 ADH, the Jet
Database Engine Programmers Guide, and Mary Chipman's book. The
first time I did a SQL Server upsizing, it saved me literally hours
of work and I refer to it frequently.
David W. Fenton http://www.dfenton.com/
usenet at dfenton dot com http://www.dfenton.com/DFA/
Armen Stein
2009-10-24 22:12:54 UTC
On Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:01:01 -0700, Daryll Combs
Post by Daryll Combs
I am approaching my first project involving the migration of an Access-2003
application to a mixed Access front-end/SQL Server back-end environment.
I have been doing alot of online research on this topic and have come across
a book written by Mary Chipman titled as above that seems to have garnered
rave reviews for its content and methodology.
Only problem I see in purchasing a copy is that it is from Dec-2000, and
does not seem to have any revised editions thereafter for later versions of
Access and SQL Server.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether this would still be a useful book
to purchase for someone just beginning to work on this class of project for
the very first time, even though the targeted product versions are Access
2003/2007 and SQL Server 2005/2008?
Hi Daryll,

In addition to all the other good comments you've received, you might
take a look at this. I've written a PowerPoint presentation on
techniques for using Access as a client-server front-end to SQL Server
databases. It's called "Best of Both Worlds" at
www.JStreetTech.com/Downloads. It includes some thoughts on when to
use SQL Server, performance and security considerations, concurrency
approaches, and techniques to help everything run smoothly.

Armen Stein
Microsoft Access MVP
