How to verify Migration from Access to SQL Server succeed using SS
(too old to reply)
2010-02-05 19:36:01 UTC

I am using SSMA (SQL Server Migration Assistant) for Access to migrate the
production database from Access to SQL Server. Besides the zero error list
after the running of the Migration Wizard, is there any other way, say, a
separate tool or an option in the migration tool, to double check that the
completed database has been migrated successfully?

Stefan Hoffmann
2010-02-08 10:38:28 UTC
hi Jing,
Post by Jing
I am using SSMA (SQL Server Migration Assistant) for Access to migrate the
production database from Access to SQL Server. Besides the zero error list
after the running of the Migration Wizard, is there any other way, say, a
separate tool or an option in the migration tool, to double check that the
completed database has been migrated successfully?
If SSMA reports zero errors, then the migration was successful.

Does that mean that the application runs without errors? No, for various

The new back-end may introduce for example new constraints on data
types. Or it may need different handling. So you have to test your
upsized database carefully, otherwise you should at least check these
two points:

1. Check the migrated tables for the correct data types and constraints.
Check whether all primary keys are present. Has SSMA added the
ROWVERSION field to all tables? Check the relationships.

2. Check the forms which utilize macro's and/or code.

--> stefan <--
