SSMA fails to migrate data
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Rich Thurman
2008-10-11 02:29:00 UTC
I have an existing SQL database and I would like to migrate an Access mdb
into this SQL DB as a new table.

I am using SSMA and it covnerts, and loads the converted objects just fine,
but when it migrates the data it failes with this error:


DataMigration Error.
From : zip-codes-database-DELUXE: ZipCodeDatabase_DELUXE
To : [Auction Data].dbo.[ZipCodeDatabase_DELUXE]


Error occurred during data migration.
See the log for the detailed information.

The log shows:

[Datamigrator: Error] [5832/8] [2008-10-10 18:53:50]: Error occurred during
data migration.
See the log for the detailed information.
[Datamigrator: Error] [5832/8] [2008-10-10 18:53:50]: Exception: Cannot
access destination table '[Auction Data].dbo.[ZipCodeDatabase_DELUXE]'.
site: Void WriteToServerInternal()
source: System.Data
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternal()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteRowSourceToServer(Int32
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(IDataReader reader)
Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Access.SqlServer.DataMigration.TableDataMigrator.ProcessNode(IDataMigrationContext context, DataMigrationState state, XNode node)

If I use SSMA and have it create a brand new databse, that all works fine.
It is when I try to migrate into an existing database that I get this problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work?
2008-10-11 03:32:18 UTC
Maybe a permission issue on the old database or a problem with an existing
foreign key relationship. However, I fail to see your big problem here; why
don't you simply copy the data from one database to the other?
Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)
Post by Rich Thurman
I have an existing SQL database and I would like to migrate an Access mdb
into this SQL DB as a new table.
I am using SSMA and it covnerts, and loads the converted objects just fine,
DataMigration Error.
From : zip-codes-database-DELUXE: ZipCodeDatabase_DELUXE
To : [Auction Data].dbo.[ZipCodeDatabase_DELUXE]
Error occurred during data migration.
See the log for the detailed information.
[Datamigrator: Error] [5832/8] [2008-10-10 18:53:50]: Error occurred during
data migration.
See the log for the detailed information.
[Datamigrator: Error] [5832/8] [2008-10-10 18:53:50]: Exception: Cannot
access destination table '[Auction Data].dbo.[ZipCodeDatabase_DELUXE]'.
site: Void WriteToServerInternal()
source: System.Data
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternal()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteRowSourceToServer(Int32
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(IDataReader reader)
context, DataMigrationState state, XNode node)
If I use SSMA and have it create a brand new databse, that all works fine.
It is when I try to migrate into an existing database that I get this problem.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work?