Help connecting Access 2007 to SQL Server 2005 Express
(too old to reply)
2008-05-09 20:17:05 UTC
I am looking to figure out several things:

1) When I need a query to act as the source for an updatable form,
should I construct the sql statement in VBA code, adding the selection
criteria and then enter it as the form source?

2) Use a standard query without criteria as the form source and set
the filter in the form def

3) same as above for the report source?

4) If I am wanting to use a nonupdatable query with parameters,
a)What is the syntax of the stored procedure?
b)What is the syntax of the query that calls the stored procedure?
Is this an Access query or a pass through query?

5) I have some multi-layer queries to do summarizations and joins and
so forth to produce data for reports. Are these best replaced as
stored procedures or functions? Need an example.

6) How can I see what is being passed when I execute a form, query or
report so I can evaluate if I have it written correctly for


Alex Dybenko
2008-05-10 04:20:39 UTC
Post by BobA
1) When I need a query to act as the source for an updatable form,
should I construct the sql statement in VBA code, adding the selection
criteria and then enter it as the form source?
Post by BobA
2) Use a standard query without criteria as the form source and set
the filter in the form def
yes, this is a second option
Post by BobA
3) same as above for the report source?
for report you need a read-only query, so better to use pass-through queries
Post by BobA
4) If I am wanting to use a nonupdatable query with parameters,
a)What is the syntax of the stored procedure?
b)What is the syntax of the query that calls the stored procedure?
Is this an Access query or a pass through query?
pass-through queries
Post by BobA
5) I have some multi-layer queries to do summarizations and joins and
so forth to produce data for reports. Are these best replaced as
stored procedures or functions? Need an example.
yes, could be SP or tsql functions, called by pass-through queries. see
books online for samples
Post by BobA
6) How can I see what is being passed when I execute a form, query or
report so I can evaluate if I have it written correctly for
perhaps SQL profiler can help you here
Best regards,
Alex Dybenko (MVP)