Add New Field from Access to SQL backend
(too old to reply)
2009-05-28 15:19:01 UTC
I have a MS Access 2003 that is linked to multiple SQL tables. When linking
each one of those SQL tables, I identified 2 fields per table as unique. I
can run append queries to populate these tables, but I can not delete from
the SQL tables. I know that I have proper authorizaiton b/c I can delete
records from the SQL tables by using MS Query. I had our IT dept create the
SQL tables and then I linked them. I think my problem is that I do not have
1 field as unique. Is there a way to add an AutoNumber Counter field to the
SQL table from within Access or MS Query? Help is much appreciated.
Mary Chipman [MSFT]
2009-05-28 17:45:42 UTC
How Access works with linked tables and views is explained in the
following whitepaper:

Optimizing Microsoft Office Access Applications Linked to SQL Server

If you still are having problems, and you're sure it's not a
permissions issue, stick a Profiler trace on the calls and inspect the
actual SQL statements Access is submitting to the server. That will
help you (and the DBA) figure out where the problem lies.


On Thu, 28 May 2009 08:19:01 -0700, Williams
Post by Williams
I have a MS Access 2003 that is linked to multiple SQL tables. When linking
each one of those SQL tables, I identified 2 fields per table as unique. I
can run append queries to populate these tables, but I can not delete from
the SQL tables. I know that I have proper authorizaiton b/c I can delete
records from the SQL tables by using MS Query. I had our IT dept create the
SQL tables and then I linked them. I think my problem is that I do not have
1 field as unique. Is there a way to add an AutoNumber Counter field to the
SQL table from within Access or MS Query? Help is much appreciated.