Issue with using Linked Server: SQLServer 2008 Jet 4.0
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Patrick Jackman
2009-08-13 03:09:43 UTC
On my old laptop I have several linked servers setup in SQL 2008 to secured
Access databases. When I want to import data from these databases I set the
registry key HKLM\Software\Microsft\Jet\4.0\Engines\SystemDB to the path and
name of the mdw that secures the files. It works without any issues.

I've setup my new laptop the same way; same SQL Server version, same Access
files, same registry update, same T-SQL code for setting up the linked
servers, but when I try to issue a query against the linked servers I get
the error "Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider
"Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "MCardDat"."

The only difference is the old laptop has IE 8.0 and the new has 7.0 but I'm
sure the old one worked fine with 7.0.

Maybe I'm forgetting a magic setting that made my old machine work for this.
Any suggestions?

Patrick Jackman
Vancouver, BC
Patrick Jackman
2009-08-13 03:56:13 UTC
Restarting my new laptop fixed the problem.
Post by Patrick Jackman
On my old laptop I have several linked servers setup in SQL 2008 to
secured Access databases. When I want to import data from these databases
I set the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsft\Jet\4.0\Engines\SystemDB to
the path and name of the mdw that secures the files. It works without any
I've setup my new laptop the same way; same SQL Server version, same
Access files, same registry update, same T-SQL code for setting up the
linked servers, but when I try to issue a query against the linked servers
I get the error "Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB
provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "MCardDat"."
The only difference is the old laptop has IE 8.0 and the new has 7.0 but
I'm sure the old one worked fine with 7.0.
Maybe I'm forgetting a magic setting that made my old machine work for
this. Any suggestions?
Patrick Jackman
Vancouver, BC