Migration, Linking Access tables with sql 2005
(too old to reply)
2009-10-02 22:09:02 UTC
If I "unlink a table using SSMA tool,and unlinking table on Access site,
would I any data or table settings fields
Albert D. Kallal
2009-10-03 18:23:15 UTC
Post by alex
If I "unlink a table using SSMA tool,and unlinking table on Access site,
would I any data or table settings fields
Do feel free to expand on your question and give a little bit more

It's not normal or I don't even think is possible to use SSMA to "un-link" a
table. So in the above you mention about unlinking an table is not quite

if you're asking that if you use access to link two or unlink two tables in
SQL server, is the data or structures of the tables that currently exist on
SQL server changed in any way, and the answer is no.
Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada