Exception: "The provider could not determine the Object value" log
(too old to reply)
2009-01-14 17:28:06 UTC

I am converting an Access 2007 database over to SQLServer. As I run through
the data conversion portion of the wizard I am informed that an error has

I have looked at the log and I notice this exception:
[Datamigrator: Error] [4412/8] [2009-01-14 10:19:50]: Error occurred during
data migration.
See the log for the detailed information.
[Datamigrator: Error] [4412/8] [2009-01-14 10:19:50]: Exception: The
provider could not determine the Object value. For example, the row was just
created, the default for the Object column was not available, and the
consumer had not yet set a new Object value.
site: System.Object Value()
source: System.Data
at System.Data.OleDb.ColumnBinding.Value()
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetValue(Int32 ordinal)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.GetValueFromSourceRow(Int32
columnOrdinal, _SqlMetaData metadata, Int32[] UseSqlValue, Int32 destRowIndex)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternal()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteRowSourceToServer(Int32
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(IDataReader reader)
Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Access.SqlServer.DataMigration.TableDataMigrator.ProcessNode(IDataMigrationContext context, DataMigrationState state, XNode node)

An interesting thing about it is, that there are 72,152 rows in the access
table, and the wizard converts exactly 72,000 rows. This seems strange to me.

Also, I have previously run through this wizard with no problems, and have,
in a previous instance over 70,000 rows.

I have searched on the net and have found no similar problems.

Any advise?
2009-01-14 18:57:01 UTC
I resolved this problem by doing a compact & repair on the Access DB